How to join
The Bromham mill nature club is a club run by volunteers with the aim of making children more aware of their natural surroundings and helping them to enjoy the natural beauty of the historic mill site and other areas of Bromham.
If your child would like to join the nature club please contact us by email on email natureclub (at)
The club is open to children aged 5 to 18.
Membership is £5.00 per child per year. There is an additional charge of £1.00 per child for each activity session.
The membership year runs from April to March.
The club reserves the right to cancel a child’s membership on grounds of safety or consistent unacceptable behaviour.
Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for the child throughout all nature club activities. Children aged 10 and above may attend activities unaccompanied providing a membership form has been completed in full for the child by a parent/carer.
Each session will have a CRB-checked adult volunteer.
Session times
The club will hold one session every month, on a Sunday from 2-4 pm. Exact dates will be arranged around other events at the Mill. Dates and details of these sessions will be distributed to parents / carers in advance.
The Mill and the Friends of Bromham Mill organise other events throughout the year open to the public. While these are open to nature club members, different conditions and pricing may apply.
What your child needs to bring
At least part of every session will take place outdoors. Therefore children and adults should wear the following for every session:
- Stout footwear
- Clothing suitable for the time of year, including gloves and a hat or sun hat and sun cream as necessary.
- Waterproof clothing – a waterproof coat with a hood (an umbrella will not be practical for the activities planned)
Contacting you
Our main method of communicating with members’ parents/ carers will be via email. If you do not have regular access to email please make this clear on the membership form and we will endeavour to keep you informed by other means.
There may be occasions when we need to contact you during a session. Please make sure the contact details you put on the membership form will enable us to contact you wherever you may be. Please also include a second contact name if possible, in case we can’t get hold of you.
If you move or change your phone number, please let us know as soon as possible.
Cancellation/ dropping off and collecting your child
If for some reason we have to cancel a session, we will let you know as far in advance as possible. However, when dropping off over 10s, please ensure that the session is going ahead and that the session leader is present and knows you have left your child. When collecting your child, please ensure the session leader is aware you are leaving.
If another adult is going to be collecting your child, please let the session leader know at the beginning of the session.